Monday, October 17, 2011

First meeting reminder

Our first meeting for the 2012 mission will be on at 6 p.m. next Wednesday, October 26 at the Scripps Encinitas Conference Room. We will also have a meeting at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 3 in the same location for those that can not attend the prior meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, September 26, 2011

33in3 DVDs

‎33in3 is now available online for purchase! Visit Man's Best Media's website to find a Paypal link. DVD sales go directly to funding admission fees to enter 33in3 into film festivals and events. Thank you for your support!

Interested in going on the 2012 mission?

A couple of notes from Christine on the first meeting and application process for the 2012 mission: 

Our first meeting for 2012 mission will be on Wednesday, October 26 at 6 p.m. in the Scripps Encinitas Conference Room. We will also have a meeting on Thursday, November in the same location at 12:30 p.m. for those that can not attend the prior meeting. 

We've set a date for the 2012 Med4Nicaragua Mission trip for April 7 through 14, 2012 and hope you can join the team! The team will be limited to a max of 22 people. The application process will be a little bit different this year so if you are interested in joining the 2012 team, it would be good to make it a meeting. 

2011 team members will have first option to volunteer on the team. However, December 1 will be the deadline to commit, which will include having a completed application turned in along with a $100 deposit to hold your spot on the team. After December 1st, any remaining spots not taken by 2011 team members will then be offered to other applicants.

I know several of you had friends and family that were interested in going on the next medical mission trip. They should attend the meeting if still interested. Just so that there are no misunderstandings, I'm going to explain the application process briefly to you so that your friends and family understand how this will work:

Everyone interested in joining the team will be asked to submit an application with all the required documents and a $100 deposit by December 1, 2011. An application is NOT a guarantee of a place on the team given the maximum team size and need to make sure that the team has the necessary medical staff to complete the surgical care. Any applicant not invited to be on the team will be refunded their deposit. The team will be selected out of the applicants and notified by December 10, 2011. Only 2011 team members have a guaranteed acceptance if they wish to volunteer on the 2012 team. Anyone with financial hardship should speak to Valishia or myself directly.

We're excited to start planning another trip and hope you can make it to the meeting!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

33in3 tickets now available online

You can buy your tickets for 33in3 online here.
It's the second event which is listed as "Nicaraguan Medical Mission Documentary DVD Film & Fund Raiser."

Friday, August 12
Doors open at 7, screening at 8
$12 presale, $15 at the door
100% of proceeds will benefit future missions.

Monday, July 18, 2011

It takes a village...

Loghan decided to include a list of everyone who supported Med4Nicaragua's previous mission trip both financially and emotionally in 33in3's credits.

I've been compiling the list, and it's never been so apparent to me just how many people raised our team up to make this mission possible.

Thank you for all of your support.

Alisa Fierer
Alma Turiano
Amy Shumway
Andrea Durkee
Angi Hopkins
Annely Allen
Austin Foyt
Barbara Bates
Barbara Ray
Benjamin and Judith Gezon
Benjamin Fierer
Bob and Christine Lotierzo
Bob and Linda Ruane
Bob and Myra Trolese
Boss Family Trust
Brian and Molly Zimmermann
Bridachia Vineyard
Brooke Foyt
Bruce Bainbridge
Carl and Krista Etter
Charles and Diane Parsons
Charles Kraus
Charles Stoopack, MD
Charlie and Kathy Boss
Chris Hornback
Christina Stoll
Chuch and Debra Fulks
Corey and Claire Martin
Dane Shipp, MD
Daniel Fierer
Donald and Lori Moon
Donna Carr, MD
Donna Johnson
Doug Fenton, MD
Dustyn and Mary Severns
Dwight Lagos
Eileen and Scott Griffiths
Elena Altmamirano
Elisa Ramos
Emily Fierer
Eusinus Vineyard
Fabian Von Posern, MD
Fred and Jenny Remington
Garrett Dare
Geckeler Family
Georgia Cook
Georgie Bernstein
Helene Raymond Lorraine and Greg Butler
Hologic Pharmaceuticals (Novasure)
Howard Foyt, MD
Jamie Johnson, MD
Jamie Layne
Jane and Roger Isaacson
Jean Doktor
Jeanette Accunzo
Jeff Bigelow
Jim and Carol Miller
Joann Jungk
John and Mary Bigelow
John and Tiffany Conley
Joshua Fierer
Judy Stoopak
K.C. McCarthy
Kamice Kellum
Karen Larson
Karen Nelson
Kathleen McCarthy
Katie Sontag
Katrina Clynch
Kelly Elmore, MD
Ken Calkins
Kennedy Layne
Kim Dresser
Kristen Ronquillo
Ladan Farhoomand, MD
Lauren Greider
Linda and Dick Sterrett
Linda Sterrett
Lindy Munoz
Lisa Jenson
Lisa Wilson
Marcia and Bryan Fox
Mariam Snitkin
Marie Cordero
Mark and Diana Knickrehm
Mark and Jan Foreman
Mary De Luca
Mary Fenton
Mary Lee
Melly Sani, MD
Michael and Lydia Krak
Michelle Peiss
Nancy Flores
Norma Fierer
North Coast Calvary Chapel Staff and Congregation
Nour Sirker, MD
Open Door Packaging
Pamela Fiber-Ostrow
Paradise Grille Cafe
Pasquale and Danelle Russo
Peg and Tim Loyd
Pete and Neva Anderson
Photography by Kamice
Quinta Arien Mission Housing, Nicaragua
Quinton Berry
Rachel Fierer
Rich and Donna Johnson
Richard and Karen Bell
Richard and Sharon Dawson
Rick and Kris Rosenquist
Robert MacDonald
Rocket Dog
Roger Vega, MD
Ron and Kay Rosa
Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas
Shane and Christine Shubert
Susan Von Posern
Tasha Wahl
The Guadalupe Charitable Trust
The members of San Dieguito United Methodist Church
Tim and Margaret Loyd
Timothy and Jessie Crabtree
Travis Tufte
Tuesday Night Ladies of San Dieguito Tennis Club
Vanita and Bill Tarangelo
Vicki Joy Cook
Warren and Lisa Naugler
William and Donna Draffen
Willy and Bob Ginaven

Please keep in mind that it is a work in progress. If there is anyone missing from this list, please contact me, and I will make sure to get names added.

It's Official: 33in3

Check out the press release that was posted today:

San Diego team prepares for red carpet premiere of medical mission documentary.

25 days until 33in3.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

33in3: Behind the Scenes (Christine and Valishia)

33in3 documents Med4Nicaragua's previous mission trip. Since our return, Loghan has been interviewing each of the team members, and these interviews will serve as the narration of the documentary.

Yesterday, Christine and Valishia had a joint interview. Here's some shots from their session...

(Jon Keena, Managing Producer and CFO for Man's Best Media and 33in3's assistant editor)

33in3 Premiere

Man's Best Media and Med4Nicaragua proudly present 33in3...

Follow a 22-person team of both medical and non-medical team members down to Nicaragua in the powerful documentary created by Loghan Call.

In just three days, the team completed 33 surgeries in Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the western hemisphere.

The team made a profound impact on the citizens on Nicaragua and perhaps an even more profound impact on themselves. This is their journey.

33in3 features an exclusive soundtrack by Los Angeles based indie rock band, The Ruse.

The film will premiere on Friday, August 12 at the Carlsbad Village Theatre. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the screening will begin at 8 p.m.

Tickets are available through a Med4Nicaragua team member or at the box office by calling 760-720-2460.

Tickets are $12 pre-sale or $15 at the door. All proceeds from tickets will benefit future Med4Nicaragua missions.

For more information, visit

33in3 from Loghan Call on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 7/Relaxation & Adventure

We spent the our last day touring Nicaragua. The team took a second trip to Granada and also visited a market in another city.

I spent my time with the Brody family, and we found a tour guide to help us explore. We visited a chocolate shop/museum and La Merced Church, which had an amazing view of the city.

(Our tour guide)

(Our tour guide at the chocolate museum, explaining the history of chocolate)

(The outdoor section of the chocolate shop)

(La Merced Church...
The left hand steeple is what we climbed to the top of)


(Going up)

(View from the top)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 6/Private Island

I underestimated how much work the blog would be (going back to the house after 15 hour days and trying to edit/upload photos for a couple hours proved to be quite the task), but I don't want to leave the blog unfinished. So, bear with me, and I will get the last few blogs up over the next few days!

After spending some time in Granada on Thursday afternoon, we went to a private island. The islands were created in Lake Nicaragua by a nearby volcano. There are some only large enough for a single person to stand on, and some a couple acres large.

The island we visited is owned by a man named Bob, who is responsible for the church, school, orphanage and clinic we visited in Nicaragua. He came to Nicaragua 31 years ago with his wife, and while he said he didn't anticipate staying, he saw a need that he could fulfill. He bought the island for his wife's 40th birthday.

(From left to right, Bob's wife, Valishia, Christine and Bob)

(It took two boats to get us out to the island...
The ride was about half an hour or so.)

(A volcano in the distance)

(The house on our island.)

(Christine and John... Photo taken by one of their sons, Kai)

(Some of us went for a swim in the only lake with freshwater sharks...
Myself and the Brody triplets, Dane, Kai, and Gabby, pictured)